Talking to Connecticut residents through three local newspapers, Allan R. Pearlman talks to a reporter about underpayment of taxes.
In May, 2008, a newspaper reporter spoke to Allan R. Pearlman for an article about what taxpayers need to do if they underpay their taxes.
On Sunday, May 17th, 2008, the article was published in three local newspapers in three towns in Connecticut. The papers are: the Stamford Advocate, the Norwalk Advocate, and Greenwich Time.
Click here to read the article plus an additional comment by which a gap in the article is filled.
Quoted in “Navigate the Money Maze this Tax Season” in USAA Magazine.
USAA, the financial services group created in the 1922 by 25 army officers to insure each others cars, and which has grown to be a financial services organization with 6.4 million members and is dedicated to serving members of the military and their families.
The reporter for this article, which appeared in the Spring, 2008 issue of the organizations monthly publication, USAA Magazine, asked Allan R. Pearlman about the relative advantages to filing income tax returns early.
In addition to the information given in the article, Mr. Pearlman pointed out that there are essentially three situations where it is potentially advantageous to file your tax return early: 1) if you are due a refund, you’ll get it sooner, 2) having the peace of mind of getting the chore of preparing and filing done and out of the way, and 3) if you are setting up a payment plan to pay off accumulated back taxes, filing early might allow you to include the most recent tax year’s taxes in the plan. Other than those situations there is no particular advantage to filing early, and, due to certain timing and statute of limitations rules, filing early can sometimes create a disadvantage to the tax payer, who would do just fine by filing on time.
To read the USAA Magazine article as it appeared in the print magazine, “Navigate the Money Maze this Tax Season,” click here.
To read just the text of the USAA Magazine article, click here.
IRS Backs Down and Apologizes:
In a victory over the government which has been hailed by other tax professionals as unprecedented, attorney Allan R. Pearlman recently persuaded the Internal Revenue Service to withdraw and rescind its action to start seizing a taxpayer’s assets. Read the whole story of the IRS apology and restoration of a taxpayer’s rights by clicking here.
Read the text of the IRS Apology and Rescission letter by clicking here.
See a copy of the actual Apology and Rescission letter by clicking here.
Protecting Our Constitutional Rights:
Our work on a First Amendment and Due Process of Law case where the United States government illegally limited and infringed the fundamental right to read, which is implied by the United States Constitution’s First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech, was reported on in Newsday, New York City Edition, May 30, 2006, page A13, in an article titled, “Defined by Criminal Intent.”
Read all about it now by clicking here.
You can fight City Hall:
Sometimes government bureaucrats pull stunts so weird and senseless that all you can do is shake your head and laugh — unless, of course, the “joke” happens to be on you. Here’s a case we worked on:
A woman who had been married and widowed, then married again, and divorced, was lucky enough to meet another man who loved her enough to want to marry her. When the happy couple went to City Hall to get a marriage license, the City clerk refused. The City said she was already married — to two guys at the same time! — and, her two husbands were not either of the men she had previously married. Instead, they were two guys the bride had never met before.
With the bride-to-be an apparent victim of identity theft, her lawyer submitted a standard, simple application to correct the mistaken City records. But, to everyone’s surprise, the City fiercely opposed her request. We were hired by the bride-to-be’s lawyers to write the detailed response to the City’s opposition.
Making the happy couple happier, we prevailed, and the Court ordered the City to consider the two bogus marriage records “a nullity.” This cleared the way for the bride and groom-to-be to get their marriage license.
After the Court issued its decision, the New York Post reported on it in an article titled, “Bride Beats Bigamy Botch.” (Note that because we worked as counsel to the bride-to-be’s lawyers, we are not mentioned by name in the article.) Read all about it now by clicking here.