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31 03, 2013

NY Court of Appeals Swats Amazon.com and Overstock.com

By |2020-02-12T14:20:17-05:00March 31st, 2013|Constitutionality, Internet Tax, Sales Tax, State Tax|0 Comments

Affirming the Appellate Division of New York State Supreme Court, the New York Court of Appeals (the state’s highest court) rejected Amazon.com and Overstock.com’s challenge to the New York State tax law allowing New York to require the internet retail giants to collect and pay sales tax from sales made through affiliates posting links on their websites. Amazon and Overstock argued the statute was unconstitutional on its face. Chief Judge Lippman wrote for the majority. Judge Smith dissented, with an opinion..

Amazon.com LLC v New York State Department of Taxation and Finance

8 11, 2012

NYS Tax Obligations for Businesses Conducting Commerce on the Internet

By |2020-02-12T14:20:18-05:00November 8th, 2012|Internet Tax, Sales Tax, State Tax|0 Comments

New Continuing Legal Education Program at New York County Lawyers Association

 NYS Tax Obligations for Businesses Conducting Commerce on the Internet

This Event is Postponed to Tuesday January 15, 2013 Due to the Disruptions Caused by Hurricane Sandy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012, New Date: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:00 PM –9:00 PM
Member Price:                                        $125
Non-Member Attorney Price:             $175

Law Office Staff:                                     $15


Intended Audience: Attorneys with clients doing business or considering doing business on the internet; also business owners, entrepreneurs, web site owners, designers, developers, who might have tax issues arising from doing business on the internet.

Non-lawyers (no CLE) may attend the program for $15. Register above as “Law Office Staff.”

Location: 2nd Floor Auditorium

Course ID: C121132011

Number of Sessions: 1

Credits: 3 MCLE Credits: Breakdown tbd
3 MCLE Credits

Course Description:

Gain an overview of the New York State  sales tax obligations for New York based businesses engaged in  commerce on the Internet. A panel of experts will explore many of the interesting issues and  “wrinkles” that arise during the course of the transactions.


Program Co-sponsors: NYCLA’s Cyberspace Committee and NYCLA’s Taxation Committee

Program Chairs: Allan R. Pearlman, Co-Chair, NYCLA’s Cyberspace Committee and Megan L. Brackney, Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP,  Chair, NYCLA’s Taxation Committee

Faculty:  James Connolly,  Department of Taxation and Finance’s Office of Counsel; Timothy P. Noonan, Hodgson Russ LLP;  Lance Rothenberg, Hodgson Russ.

Go to https://www.nycla.org/index.cfm?section=CLE&page=CLE_Detail&itemID=2926&dateID=20121113

or http://www.nycla.org to register.