Something to think about when you’re not thinking about taxes – Miles Davis

By |2020-02-12T14:20:20-05:00May 11th, 2009|100% Penalty, Tax, Trust Fund Recovery Penalty, Withholding Tax|0 Comments

We can’t be fretting over Internal Revenue Code 6662 (the accuracy-related penalties, 20%, 40% depending on how inaccurate your tax return might be found to be) all the time.

There are alternatives. To be especially self-punishing, one look at § 6672 (the “Trust Fund Recovery Penalty,” formerly known as the “100% penalty” and think “oh how lucky I am to be only exposed to liability under § 6662 and not § 6672).

Better yet, and less punishing, just think about something else entirely.

For example, one timeless, but all to often overlooked alternative, there’s Miles Davis.

Below is video of a part of a concert at Montreaux, in 1973.

In this clip, Miles is in his late 60’s/early 70’s period which critics and some fans seemed to love (or loved) to hate. One theory: they are (or were)  apparently stuck in the 50’s when he did those great recordings with the quintet, Kind of Blue and Round About Midnight, etc. (not a bad place to get stuck, but now 40 years later some might argue that the late 60’s/early 70’s electric Miles is still ahead of his time).

So, below is the clip….